Archives - Sai Charan  

Oct 2024
    » Acting with Intent
    » The Gervais Principle
    » Self Hosting Ghost with SQLite3
Jun 2024
    » Sir C.A.R. Hoare on Software Design
Jan 2023
    » DIY Water Leak Sensor with ESP8266 NodeMCU and Homebridge Server
Aug 2021
    » Terence Tao on Work
Jan 2021
    » Automating Let's Encrypt Certs for DD-WRT with
    » The Best Test of Truth...
    » Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates for DD-WRT
    » Renewing Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates for Private Networks using DNS Challenge
Jul 2020
    » Airprint with CUPS on DD-WRT
Jun 2020
    » Managing Your Internet Of
    » On Good and Evil
May 2020
    » OpenVPN Client on ASUS RT-AC68U with DD-WRT Firmware
Jan 2020
    » Wireguard VPN Setup
Dec 2019
    » Computation is a means, not an end.
    » Man's Troubles - Man Himself
    » Messaging in Smalltalk
    » On being in a hurry
    » On Passing Statistical Tests
    » On Poems & Proofs
Feb 2019
    » Meaning of Impossible
Aug 2018
    » List Comprehensions in C++
    » Emulating PDP-11 Abstract Machine as the Root Cause of Spectre and Meltdown
    » Parallels Between Physics and Distributed Systems Concepts
May 2013
    » We are systematically creating races out of things that ought to be a journey
Apr 2013
    » Static Website on Google App Engine
    » Levenshtein Distance for Handling Redirects from Blogger
Feb 2013
    » Handling 404 Errors in Javascript
Jan 2013
    » Wonder without Googling
Sep 2012
    » When you have tasted flight
Jul 2012
    » Import Skype contacts into Gmail
    » Installing mosh from source
    » The silent majority of experts
    » Liquid, Fluid site layout
    » DNS migrated to Amazon's Route53
May 2012
    » Chrome Sync with Google Apps Accounts
    » RHEL RPM Repositories
    » Export & Import of GPG Keys
Apr 2012
    » FreeNX on Ubuntu
    » Dtrace on Linux (Ubuntu)
Mar 2012
    » Remembering the Neverhood Chronicles
    » Migrated to
    » Give it five minutes
Feb 2012
    » Anyconnect VPN on Ubuntu x64
Jan 2012
    » Quest for a good Antivirus
Nov 2011
    » Reading on the Internet
Oct 2011
    » Default runlevel on CentOS
    » Ubuntu 11.10, PuTTy, tmux & UTF-8
    » Gitweb with 'side-by-side' diff
    » Richard Stallman & Steve Jobs
    » Here's to the Crazy Ones
    » Remembering Steve Jobs
    » Steve on Courage, Heart and Intuition
Sep 2011
    » Texnic Center error 'pdflatex.exe: Could not Initialize GUI'
    » You want to know how to do it
    » Jekyll feature: Retain Modified Time Stamp
    » URL Selection in Putty
Aug 2011
    » Tributes to Steve Jobs
    » When GOD called Vic Gundotra
    » When Steve Held Open the Door
    » Static Blog Using Jekyll
    » Migrating to Jekyll
    » SaveURI has a new home!
    » Persisting/restoring ssh-agent across screen/tmux sessions
    » 'gitweb' setup without root access
    » Vonage Usage: Python Script
    » Indian Almanac Bookmarklet
    » Readability for Chrome: Save to Instapaper
May 2011
    » Texnic Center and Adobe Reader X
Apr 2011
    » gContactSync bug
    » Mapping Win key in Fedora (14)
Mar 2011
    » SaveURI Updated for Firefox 4
May 2010
    » while(*a++ == *b++)
    » Binary Search Tree
    » Efficient Substr implementation
    » With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Nov 2009
    » JS e-mail Validator
    » Interesting recursion problem
    » Stackoverflow Teacher Badge
    » Metaprogramming is not magic
Oct 2009
    » What I read, am reading and want to read
Aug 2009
    » Why hitting 'reload' speeds up page rendering
    » Deleting files
Jul 2009
    » GMail: Automatic Message Translation
    » HN Submit button
    » Redirecting blogger traffic
    » .bash_profile in ubuntu
    » Default runlevel on Ubuntu
Jun 2009
    » ld terminated with signal 9
    » Ubuntu sshd
    » Hello WordPress! My new home online!
Mar 2009
    » CVS, ViewVC integration with Google Prettify
    » Google default language
    » NS2 nam error
Feb 2009
    » My Reading List
Sep 2008
    » Creating DLLs with MinGW
Jul 2008
    » Global C++ Exception Handler
Jun 2008
    » C/C++ resources online
    » ThinkPad T60 TouchPad Scroll in Office 2007
    » Wrong Characters being Displayed
Mar 2008
    » VirusRemoval.vbs Windows Script Host
    » Install RPMs on Ubuntu
Feb 2008
    » yum ntfs-3g
    » Adobe Reader Commenting Not Allowed
    » TeXnicCenter and Adobe Reader 8.0
    » WIndows Script Host: Unable to open file
Jan 2008
    » Why is switch case better than if else if?
Sep 2007
    » MinGW GProf with Eclipse 3.3 (Europa )
Apr 2007
    » ब्लोग्गीं, और हिंदी मे!
Jan 2007
    » Routing and Remote Access Service Fails!
Dec 2006
    » Now, thats a Palindrome...
    » Subclipse Proxy Configuration
Nov 2006
    » Testing the RAM for defects on Windows
    » Sorting Algorithms : A visual treatment
    » Eclipse Update behind a proxy
    » Installation of Sun Studio 10 on Sun Solaris Machine
    » Adding a Favicon
    » C Tidbit
    » Changing the default command for RedHat8 Launch Panel
    » Excellent, free iCal Calendars
    » FTP Server on Windows 2003 Server R2
    » Linux : Mounting a USB device - made simpler
    » Matlab license manager error: Solaris 10
    » Minix - FTP & Tlenet Access
    » Network Access across a router
    » Networking Lessons
    » Samba Server Setup
    » Using Minix on VMWare
    » VMWare : Do's & Donts
    » VMWare : Internet / FTP / Telnet Access to Linux Guest from Windows Host
    » VMWare : Internet access from Guest VM (RedHat 9)
    » VMWare : Sharing Files by Connecting to Windows from Linux
    » VMWare : SSH access to RH9 from Windows using PuTTY
    » Windows : Autorun is Disabled?
    » Windows XP Pro: Network access: logon failure
Apr 2006
    » The Best GDB tutorial....
    » Installing Mandrake Linux
    » Lookout - Outlook!!
    » What the hell is that service?
    » Firefox extension updated!
    » New Firefox Extension
    » Post-it notes for the PC
    » Welcome!