Here’s a problem I’ve long faced and a neat use of Levenshtein Distance.
This website started off as a blog on Over time, it was migrated to a self hosted Wordpress site and now runs off a Jekyll generated, Amazon S3 hosted bucket.
However, since the blogger hosted site still got a lot of traffic from search, I did not take it down. I’ve always wanted to redirect the traffic to my new website, but Blogger apparently only features redirects in the other direction. While has a solution, I could not get it working in this case. There were at least two problems that were in the way:
- URL structure of the current website also includes the date of publication, in addition to the year and month.
- while migrating to Jelyll, some of the URL ‘slugs’ also changed.
- I did not want to host a server to do this; I had tried this and have moved on.
To deal with these two and also handle correct redirects automatically, here is my quick solution:
- On the hosted website, place a redirect to a special page to handle redirects from blogger (in this case, /blog/blogger-redirect.html).
- This special page first detects the ‘referer’, then extracts the year, month and slug from the blogger URL. If the referer is not found, extract the query parameter
. This is a minor optimization in case referer is set (eg. with Google Chrome); one could simply always use the query parameter method (IE and Firefox seem to removereferer
). - It then lists the URLs on the month-page (eg. /blog/YYYY/MM/) of this website, and computes the Levenshtein’s distance between the blogger-slug from the blogger URL and the slugs from the month-page URLs.
- If the minimum amongst the computed Levenshtein distances is less than 5, automatically redirect to the URL with that minimal Levenshtein distance (example).
- If not, admit that we made a booboo and list all pages for that month, and additionally providing the search box (example).
- I am pretty sure this may affect the SEO ratings, but I am unsure how exactly that will be. So, if you use it, be cautious.
- This solution needs Javascript to work, but has the advantage of not requiring any server backend.
- I used this JavaScript implementation of Levenshtein’s distance.
- This is the source code for my solution.
- Yes, the source code could do with some more optimization :/